Three L's of L'Academy Language, Love, and Leadership


Language ImmersionResearch shows that exposure to 2 or more languages in early childhood has long-lasting impacts such as academic success, cognitive development, cultural understanding, and mental flexibility. Our classrooms are designed so that learning a second language feels natural. Children see that languages and cultures go hand-in-hand and their own language and culture is honored and respected in our diverse classroom community.

Love and Compassion – As we observe in classrooms, the true passion teachers have for what they are doing and the love they have for the children really shines through. As the children see this modeled, and sense that they are seen and heard, they feel secure and demonstrate that same love and compassion for their classmates. We are filled with pride when we see the children doing kind deeds for each other, suggesting something they can do in the community, or simply reassuring a new classmate that their parents will always return.

Little Leaders – As participants in the learning community, the children are building confidence in their own abilities and ideas. They contribute freely knowing that their questions and ideas are taken seriously and add value to the learning experience, see mistakes as learning opportunities, and see themselves as active members of a community, building the skills they need to become the leaders of tomorrow.

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